The Dancing
                Giant Inn Click me if you dare!

Welcome to the Dancing Giant Inn, my home on the Internet since AD 1999. This website always seems to be a work in progress, never quite reaching my intended goals. Sections that have been planned for years are still yet to be realized. However, by sheer inertia, if nothing else, I have accumulated a fair amount of content.


I have always tried to keep this place simple and clean, so I’ve chosen plain reliability over flashy instability throughout the site. Follow the links to see the places to go and the things to do at the Dancing Giant Inn.

Under Construction
Background. Who am I, what am I about, and why should you care? Learn the rather mundane details of my personal and professional history.
Businesses. I am always looking for ways to make this site generate more money than it consumes. Please let me know if you have any helpful suggestions.
Commentary. The greatest battle in history has been fought not with weapons or violence but with words and ideas. I fight for human freedom when most think the battle has already been won.
Loyal Sedition
Links. The Internet is more than just a low-fidelity delivery system for pornography. It is a vast sea of information, so let me suggest a few possibilities for exploration. Links
Recreation. Some people live to work, and some work to live. I try to find balance and make a life that is about more than just a career or a paycheck.
Updates. Want to know what’s new at the Dancing Giant Inn? Find out here. The site was last updated on July 1, AD 2015.

Dancing Giant
“Hope is the first step on
the road to disappointment.”


Unless otherwise noted, all contents

are copyright © AD 1999–2015 by
M. D. Van Norman.
Sorry, but this site has very little to do with dancing.