Let me just come right out and say it. I own and use firearms. While I don’t like to advertise this fact, I have decided not to hide it either. These pages will discuss both the recreational and political aspects of firearms ownership. Others have already provided more and better information on these topics than I could ever hope to give, but I can share my experiences, observations, and opinions as a gun owner who doesn’t match the usual stereotypes.

Marksmanship & Safety

The fundamentals of safe and effective firearms usage are simple to grasp but difficult to master. Guns must be treated with the respect that all weapons demand but also with the understanding that they are nothing more than mechanical objects.
Four Rules of Firearms Safety
Four Rules of Firearms Safety
Not as Easy
as It Looks

Modern Firearms
Modern Firearms
Antique Firearms
Antique Firearms
Cartridges & Ballistics
Cartridges & Ballistics
Guns & Ammunition

Though training has the greatest bearing on a shooter’s effectiveness in most situations, firearms enthusiasts still spend an inordinate amount of time discussing their gear. Selecting the right tool for the right job is important, but it can also be a lot of fun.
Thoughts & Ideas

The right to arms has often been denied to the common people by ruling elites. The advent of firearms helped spread democracy around the world, but that democratic revolution has come full circle. Now, the elites are trying to retake with ballots and votes what they lost to powder and shot.
The Futility of
Gun Control
Futility of Gun Control
Assault Weapons of Myth and Legend
Assault Weapons of Myth and Legend
The Private

Private-Property Loophole
Information & Discussion
Information & Discussion
Pro-Gun Organizations
Right to
Bear Arms
Anti-Gun Organizations
Firearms Prohibition
Products & Services
Products & Services
Information & Links

There is a fantastic amount of information about firearms available on the Internet. In fact, it is easily the best source for this topic, though one must still be careful to separate the rumors and speculation from the facts and figures. Here is but a small selection of this bounty.

Dancing Giant
“An armed society is a polite society.”