Regardless of its
constitutionality, the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is the federal
law-enforcement agency responsible for
regulating firearms in the United States.

CalGuns is the “California
firearms owner’s home on the Internet.” It is
certainly a place for Californians to gather
information and discuss firearms.

The Cornered Cat is Kathy
Jackson’s site about women and guns. Though
intended for women, more than a few men could
benefit from its wisdom.

The Firing Line is an excellent
on-line discussion forum for firearms.

GunCite features many facts,
figures, quotes, and analysis on “gun control.”

Gun Facts is Guy Smith’s e-book
that lays out well-cited statistics on firearms
and crime. |

Keep and Bear Arms is a website
“about helping lawful people maintain their
abilities to protect themselves and the people
they love effectively … through legal, private
ownership and use of guns.”
& Discussion
A vast amount of legal,
historical, technical, philosophical, statistical, and
political information on firearms is available via the
Internet. Many websites also include lively discussion

The CalGuns Foundation is a new
leader in the right-to-arms movement, both in
and out of California, and it’s getting results.

The California Rifle &
Pistol Association defends the right to keep and
bear arms and promotes responsible firearms
ownership in California. |

Quoting Rep. Ron Paul, the Gun
Owners of America bills itself as the “only
no-compromise gun lobby in Washington.”

In addition to promoting
marksmanship, firearms safety, and the shooting
sports, the National Rifle Association defends
the right to arms in the U.S. |

Second Amendment Foundation is dedicated to
promoting a better understanding of our right to
keep and bear arms. The SAF sponsored the
landmark Heller
and McDonald
Right to Bear
There are many local and
national organizations working to protect and restore
the right to arms in the United States. Though usually
not as well funded or as well organized as their
opposition, these groups have the active support of
millions of individual members.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent
Gun Violence works “to enact and enforce
sensible gun laws.”

The Coalition to Stop Gun
Violence “pushes a progressive agenda to reduce
firearm death and injury.”

Though not specifically a
gun-control organization, the Democratic
Party has been the primary author of the most
restrictive firearms legislation in the United

The International Action Network
on Small Arms advocates “stronger regulation on
guns in society and better controls on arms

The Republican Party nominally
supports the right to keep and bear arms for
recreation and self-defense, but it has done
little more than slow the suppression of that
right. In fact, Republican leadership has
dramatically failed to push for gun-control
reform, even when the need is most apparent.

Approaching “gun violence” as a
public-health issue, the Violence Policy Center
advocates “that firearms be subject to health
and safety standards like those that apply to
virtually all other consumer products,” which,
of course, they already are.
Firearms Prohibition
Operating under the
attractive but arguably false notion that limiting the
availability of firearms would reduce suicide, homicide,
and other violent crime, a number of well-funded
organizations support or actively pursue stronger “gun
control” in the United States and abroad. These
organizations enjoy widespread support from the academic
community and the entertainment media, but their
individual memberships are often very small.

AIM Surplus is a distributor of
new and used firearms. They will also sell
directly to licensed collectors.

Yes, Amazon sells firearms
accessories (and just about everything else). So
far, I’ve still only used it to buy books on

Ammunition to Go has a good
inventory, including ammunition affordably
packaged for law-enforcement sales.

Brownells is a major supplier of
gunsmithing tools and firearm parts and
accessories. Discounts are available to licensed
dealers and collectors.

Cabela’s is a major retailer of
outdoor clothing and gear, including many
firearms-related products.

Century International Arms is
one of the major importers of surplus firearms
but will also sell to individual dealers and

The Civilian Marksmanship
Program promotes marksmanship in the United
States and also sells U.S. surplus firearms to
eligible individuals.

Empire Arms is an exclusively
on-line dealer of collectible firearms.

Firearms Training Associates is
an instructional organization based in southern

GunBroker is an on-line auction
site for firearms and other items. It is a great
place to look for rare and unusual guns.

Kahr Arms is a manufacturer of
superb “compact” handguns. Kahr also provides
gunsmithing services and sells parts and

MidwayUSA is another great
source for firearm parts and gunsmithing tools.
Discounts are available to
licensed dealers and collectors.

Natchez Shooters Supplies is a
great source for ammunition and other shooting

Numrich is a supplier of older
and hard-to-find parts and accessories.
Discounts are available to FFL holders, but the
on-line shopping cart times out rather quickly.

SIG Sauer is the U.S. importer
and manufacturer of SIG-Sauer pistols and other
firearms. They also have a “pro shop” and offer
a variety of gunsmithing services.

Springfield Sporters is an
excellent source for antique and reproduction
firearm parts.
Products &
Many, many
firearms-related products and services are available in
the United States, but the legal environment often keeps
the industry on the far end of the bridge to the 21st
century. The listed companies are either leaders in the
industry or ones I have done business with.